Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Not a baby anymore...

This is my second attempt at creating a blog to document how Claiborne is growing and changing so fast.  Hopefully, this attempt will be more successful than the last!  Below are some pictures from recent events and random days in our house.  

I guess living on the VT campus for the first year and a half of life lets Claiborne qualify for this shirt.
Enjoying some of Daddy's yummy birthday cupcake!

Loving the free ice cream at NCSU farm days!
Sunglasses- check, baby- check, piggies- check.  Let's go, Mom!

1 comment:

  1. Hi CES...when I saw that on Janie's blog I just knew it had to be you and it was.
    Clai is a beautiful child.
    As you can see my '2nd daughter' and I have a blog too. We started in June 2009. I had no idea what I'd say but I just knew I had to do it. Several of my friends had animal blogs so I just jumped in with both feet and never looked back. I've alwasy enjoyed writing and photography. Now that I'm retired I can do both.
    Good luck love
    Cecilia and Madi
